
Welcome Guangzhou Yonglong Hardware Manufacturing Co. Ltd. - wing produced will be fine National unity 24 hours service hotline:086-020-81762527 Chinese | English
    Welding nut series
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Guangzhou Tel: 020-81762527, 81012789,
81272884, 81752336
Fax: 020-81764254, 81752439
Company website: http://otft.cn
Email, Guangzhou: gzyonglong168@126.com
Hubei hbyonglong@163.com
Headquarters address: No. 16, Tan tail Road, Liwan District bridge, Guangzhou, China
Hubei address: No. 50 Hubei road Zhongxiang xinmeixiang
Welding nut series Your current position:Home > Product Center > Welding nut series  
B type mild steel copper plating Φ12M6
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Tel:020-81762527 020-81012789 Fax:020-81764254
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